I'm glad to hear that you currently seem to be experiencing some big artistic evolution thing. There's so much more you can do in a movie when you're not limited to sprite edits. You always seemed to be an adventurous artist who isn't afraid to try new stuff out (like 3D) so I'm sure you'll be happy with your artistic progress now that you can branch out more (in terms of character animation etc.)
Don't be ashamed for being inspired by SMBZ, it was the pinnacle of sprite animation back in the day.
Sometimes...sometimes projects simply get left out.
You know, there is still something you could do.
Have you entered in the "brainstorming stage", as I like to call it? Like when you get psyched about your stuff and start making random things about it?
I suppose that you have.
Get whatever shit you made during that period, what remains of Yoki's story, and put it in a "post mortem" on this blog or whatever else.
I'm sure that fans would like it.
Even if it's just a simple paragraph about the story.
Good idea, I'll think of something like this. I will probably write the scripts for the remaining episodes and post them here when I will have the time.