The film has been finalized and I can now tell you the release dates of the different versions of the project.
For those who don't know, Project Thundercloud is a My Little Pony fan film about the story of Derpy Hooves in the style of Yoki's Story I am working on since January. Contrary to Yoki's Story VI : part 1, all the versions are in 1080p. I am not sure on the kind of projector I will get at BronyCon so this version will probably be shown at a lower resolution. I am really excited to show you this project, this is my first time working with vectorial artworks and this is so awesome I don't think I will ever work with sprites again.
All the times are in UTC-5:00.
- BronyCon 2013 version, presented at Animation is Magic!, on August 2nd at approx. 10:20 PM. (7m 58s long)
- Youtube version, same as the BronyCon 2013 version, on August 2nd at 11:00 PM
- Newgrounds version, slightly altered version with a scene removed for copyright reasons, featuring beta content instead (8m 30s long), on August 2nd at 11:00 PM.
- Colorless version, same as the BronyCon 2013 version but without any post-productions effect. (7m 58s long), on August 3rd at 11:00 PM.
- Source version, every files used in the project in a .zip archive. (355MB), on August 4th at 11:00 PM.
Here's a few trailers I made for the project :