VFX artist by day and fan animator by night.

Alexandre Bellefeuille @Player-exe

Age 32, Male

VFX artist

Québec, Canada

Joined on 7/20/08

Exp Points:
9,164 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.08 votes
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Player-exe's News

Posted by Player-exe - February 9th, 2013

Hello everyone, I just started converting most of my videos for Youtube, you can see them on my channel here : https://www.youtube.com/user/Playerdotexe . With Flash support being dropped on the most recent versions of Android I had to make sure they could still be available for everybody.

I can't tell a lot yet about my next project, but here's a few details :
- It's still in Flash, no worries about that.
- Sorry, no 3D this time, but a lot of post production effects instead.
- It's not even a sprite movie.
- 24 fps.
- The style is inspired by a mix of Yoki's Story V, VI and something else.
- It's gonna be very short, maybe a minute or two.

Also, Yoki's Story VI : part II is not started yet, I will wait until I get better at mixing Blender and Flash before starting this.

Posted by Player-exe - January 26th, 2013

After a year of development, I am proud to say that Yoki's Story VI : part I will be released tomorrow.

I experimented with a lot of new things on this project, first of all this is my first project fully voice acted. I also used physics simulations to give realism to a few details of the scenes. I fixed most of the problems from the previous episode too, removing the Instagram-ish effects to give a realistic shading and using less compressed videos for the pre-rendered effects to have a better visual quality. Of course, this means that the movie will have a huge file size of around 240 MB (Yoki's Story 5 was 14,6 MB).

The movie is 15 minutes long and made out of 161 individual parts. More than two weeks of render time have been needed to make this.

My next project won't be Yoki's Story VI : part II, I am working on something even bigger but I can't tell anything about this for the moment.

Edit : It's online now, go check this out.

Posted by Player-exe - December 4th, 2012

Because of a few technical problems, I won't be able to release the next episode in December as previously planned. The episode will be released in January instead.

I have an old demo of a game I was making in 2009 that you may like, a cancelled sequel to Yoshi the Yoshi using a completely remade engine. Like the old one, you have to avoid Yoshi's attacks but the gameplay has changed so you have to counter attack instead of waiting for a moment. You can also pause the game by pressing P.

I could not find the original source code of the game so I had to use an old compiled build of the game. The beta story mode with four complete stages and cut scenes can be unlocked with a standalone player.

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/53b49345dc9e 29cb3ed3961fab582e98

Posted by Player-exe - October 31st, 2012

Hello everyone, here's a simple update about Yoki's Story VI : Part I.

The project goes well and should be released around December of this year as I said last month. I got good news for you, sound effects finally return since Yoki's Story 3. Not only this, but the characters will finally have voice actors. Last episode had very compressed scenes to fit under 20 megabytes but this time the scenes will be in 720p, this means that the movie will be over 200 megabytes when completed. The movie should be around 15 minutes when completed and the style is still the same as the previous episode, with 2D characters and 3D backgrounds.

Outside of the project, university is going great. I meet a lot of people and I keep learning new things every day.

I don't know how to end this post, so here's a screenshot of the movie instead.

Updates about Yoki's Story VI : Part I

Posted by Player-exe - October 4th, 2012

This is right, I finally decided to split the episode in two parts. I was not really for this at first, but if my fans prefer it that way I will do my best to make it. Both parts should be around 15 minutes long.

The first part will be uploaded in December, a few days before Christmas.
The second one should be in mid 2013.

This is all, now go watch ponies.

Yoki's Story VI : Part I

Posted by Player-exe - September 25th, 2012

The project is going great, I already have ten minutes of animation already done. I am not really good at the presentation of a project so I will try to make it simple.

- 960 x 540 pixels, including the prerendered scenes.
- 60 fps as always (except for 3D scenes running at 15 or 24 fps)
- 2D scenes are made using Macromedia Flash 8, it might be old but it has a lot of power. A lot of TV shows and movies still use this version of the software for animation. The best example for this is probably My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
- 3D scenes are made using Blender only. I decided to get rid of Wings 3D and to go to something with more power.
- The camera can now move naturally without the need of a v-cam. Don't worry, this won't be like Modern Family.
- I finally have realistic light effects, not like the instagram-ish effect I made in the previous episode.
- The files used for the movie make 2.55 gb for the moment, so you can guess I am using a lot of prerendered effects. To compare, the previous one had .9 gb of content.
- Most of the 3D models are already made.
- I used some physic simulation in the project, mostly fluid simulation.
- The movie might be around 20 or 25 minutes long.

In theory, this should be done for early 2013 if everything goes correctly.

(No picture this time, sorry)

Posted by Player-exe - August 29th, 2012

The project is going fine, don't worry about it.

I started uploading movies on Newgrounds when I was in secondary 4 and now in less than a week I start university. When I look at all these projects I realize that I never said a lot about me. This may be late but here it is.

First of all, everybody get my username wrong. It's not actually Player-exe but Player.exe, the only reason for this is because the website refuse dots in username. While this is ending in .exe, like any executable file in Windows, I actually hate Microsoft. I got this username a long time ago, when I made a simple 2D shooter in visual basic 6. The character was by default Player 1, and game after game this became Player.exe.

Of course, this was a long time ago. I started to create animation at that time, but it was not Flash. I started animating using PowerPoint. While the framerate was worse than a cd-i game, it was still very cool for the time. I also made simple games using the same software using mouseover links going straight to a gameover screen. They were mouse avoider games like some you can see on the website. My best project was a game called Super Luigi Advance, a Mario themed mouse avoider where Luigi has to save the princess.

I got a bigger interest in animation in secondary 1 when my dad decided to upgrade our old computer that could barely support Windows XP to a dual core system with a built in TV card. The first thing I did was to install Project 64, I could finally get a graphic card working correctly. My dad had a book on Flash, so he could help me to learn how to use the software. He could not help me a lot, so I used the CD with the book and a few lessons from a science camp to learn on my own.

I discovered sprite movies when the Spriters Ressource was still called Sprite.Fireball20xl, this was a long time ago. Thanks to Super Mario Bros Z I decided to try to make some fight scenes in Flash. They were not very good at the time, mostly because I made them to work on the PSP Flash player. For those who already used it, this is very slow. The main reason for this was to show them to my friends at school.

My first big project was Mario Vs. Mario, it was running at only 15 fps because it was still made to run on a PSP. The sound was bad too, because the total RAM allowed on the web browser is limited to 1.5 megabytes. Reviews were mixed, but most of them said this was painfully slow. I decided to do something very different after that, something short and fast. Mario's Hammer was a very stupid project, the sequel is not any brighter. The most positive thing about the sequel was that I decided to upgrade to Flash 8, with a built in realtime effect manager.

My first serious project is Yoki's Story ... 2. I seriously hate the first one, the animation was bad and the scenario was even worse. I was not sure if I could upload it, I did and I still regret it. The second episode was made very fast to forget the first one. The original plot included a part where Yoki had to steal a star for Bowser so he could get more information about Reswob. I don't remember exactly why I scrapped that part but I think it was because I did not had enough time for it.

I made episode 3 and 4 after that, then two comedy projects. Tale of a stupid plumber was very weird, I made it in secondary 5 when I was working on a separate project for a school class where you had to make a big project on something that could be related to your future job. At that time I was sure I would work for the video game industry so I did a project mixing 2D and 3D animation.

I was wrong, at the end my dad made me realize I should go to university to learn electronic engineering. I started college just after that. 2011 was a very boring year, I could not work a lot because of my classes. Even worse, my computer started to fail. I could not even browse internet on it and my netbook decide to catch a virus disabling any application running on it. This was a very bad year for me, this delayed Yoki's Story 5 a lot.

I needed a job to get myself a good computer, I got very lucky to get one that summer. I lost a lot of weekends with it but I could finally buy myself a Macbook Pro. This was done with Microsoft, all I had to do was to run Flash using Wine. I could finally have something powerful enough to try new software. I tried Blender thanks to a guy from my school I met after a class.

And we are now, Yoki's Story 6 is in production and I am still discovering new things. I suck at writing conclusions, so here's a picture of my work desk. I could not say everything, so comment and ask questions if you want.

Not a post about Yoki's Story 6.

Posted by Player-exe - June 29th, 2012

I am currently working on the 6th episode of Yoki's Story. I can't tell a lot about it but I can say that it will be awesome.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, there will be much more 3D animation.

Yoki's Story 6

Posted by Player-exe - March 11th, 2012

As you can see I am credited for my work in the Pixel Frenzy collab despite not having my scene shown in the movie. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the author. I just hate it when I work on a project and I realize my part is replaced by a blank screen for a complete minute. It's too late to fix the flash to include my part, so I am uploading this here.

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/cfa6d00d790e 25e103fa538010098221

Posted by Player-exe - January 26th, 2012

The movie is finished and I got a raise of the flash size limit from Tom Fulp. This mean that I will be able to submit the movie tomorrow.

The movie is 19 minutes long, this is the longest episode I made. This is mostly made of 2D sprites over a 3D background, much like Paper Mario. There is more dialog from the characters than before so it should be easier to understand the scenario.

It should be online tomorrow at 4 PM, if you have any questions or comments feel free to tell.

Yoki's story 5 official release